Bible 305 Return to Syllabus

Romans 4

  1. To what Old Testament character does Paul initially refer in chapter 4 to show that justification is by faith?


  2. What Old Testament scripture does Paul initially quote in chapter 4 to show that justification is by faith (i.e., where is it found)?

  3. What does Paul say the wages or reward of one who works for his salvation should be regarded as?

  4. What does Paul say is reckoned or credited as righteousness?


  5. What Old Testament character pronounces a blessing on the person to whom God reckons righteousness apart from works?


  6. What Old Testament scripture does Paul quote to show this blessing (i.e., where is it found)?


  7. What was circumcision with regards to the righteousness that comes by faith?


  8. What does Paul say that the law brings or works? What is lacking if there is no law?


  9. What were two barriers to Abraham and Sarah having children?


  10. How did Abraham grow strong in his faith?


  11. For whose sake were the words "it was reckoned to him" written?


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