Bible 347 Return to Syllabus

Study Guide: Introduction
Virkler: Pages 15-31

  1. What is the difference between general and special hermeneutics?

  2. What does Virkler say are three fields that must be studied before doing an exegesis?

  3. What are the meanings of the terms exegesis and eisegesis?

  4. What four gaps exist that cause a block to spontaneous understanding of the original meaning of scripture?

  5. What are the names and basic beliefs of three views of inspiration?

  6. What are the first four controversies that Virkler discusses?

  7. What scholar is noted for arguing that the meaning of a text is the one the author intended?

  8. What are the arguments favoring the idea that the divine and human meanings of scripture may be different?

  9. What are the arguments opposing the idea that the divine and human meanings of scripture may be different?

  10. What are three possible understandings of a passage?

  11. What scriptures does Virkler list that may indicate that one should have a spiritual commitment in order to truly understand scripture?

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