Four Important Teachings About Christ

Bruce Terry

In 1 Corinthians 15 the apostle Paul lists four things that are of importance in the account of the life of Jesus Christ: his death, burial, resurrection, and appearances. Sometimes I hear the first three listed as the three important events (vv. 3-4), but Paul spends four verses listing several appearances of Christ that prove his resurrection (vv. 5-8). We should not forget the fourth.

Among these four, the two most important are his death and resurrection. Paul states that both of these are "in accordance with the Scriptures" (ESV). The other two are the proof that these events really happened. The death of Christ is proven by his burial. His resurrection is proven by the multiple appearances that Paul lists: to Cephas (Peter), all the twelve apostles, over five hundred Christian brothers at one time (most of whom were still alive when Paul wrote), James, all the apostles again, and finally to Paul himself. One could add to that list from the four gospel accounts.

These four teachings are central to the gospel story. Let us make sure that we present them as important when we speak to others about Christ.

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