Sociology 341 Return to Syllabus

Social Organization

  1. Age and Generation
    1. Children and Adults
      1. Adolescence
      2. Adult generations
    2. Rites of Passage: birth, naming, weaning, puberty, adult initiation, marriage, old age, death
    3. Rights, Responsibilities, and Restrictions
      1. Birth order
      2. First born
  2. Gender: Male and Female and ?
    1. Roles
    2. Masculinity and feminity
  3. Relationships
    1. Marriage
      1. Types
        1. Monogamy
        2. Polygamy
          1. polygyny
          2. polyandry
        3. Group Marriage
      2. Incest
      3. Endogamy and Exogamy
      4. Dowry, Brideprice or Bridewealth, Bride Service
      5. Levirate and Sororate
      6. Divorce and Annulment
      7. Residence Patterns
        1. patrilocal (virilocal)
        2. matrilocal (uxorilocal)
        3. neolocal
        4. avunculocal
        5. bilocal
        6. duolocal
    2. Family
      1. Nuclear family
      2. Extended family/Camps
    3. Kinship
      1. Types of relationships
        1. Blood Relations
        2. Marriage Relations (in-laws and stepfamilies)
        3. Fictive Relations
          1. Adoption
          2. Godparents and godchildren
          3. Homosexual families
      2. Terminology of kinship structures
        1. Eskimo (American)
        2. Iroquois (Yanomamo)
        3. Crow (Trobriand Islanders)
        4. Omaha
        5. Hawaiian
        6. Sudanese
    4. Descent and Ancestry
      1. Descent types
        1. Patrilineal
        2. Matrilineal
        3. Bilineal (double descent)
      2. Clans, moieties, and totemism
  4. Friendship and Voluntary Associations
    1. Friendship
    2. Voluntary Associations
  5. Class and Caste
    1. Class
    2. Caste
    3. Status
      1. Achieved
      2. Ascribed

Adapted from Keesing 1958: 242-286; Rosman and Rubel 2004: chap. 6

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